Voclarion App
Cross-platform application for call management through a Voip switchboard

The request
Voclarion, an international provider of solutions for VoIP telephony, turned to Develer for the development of an application for smartphones with iOS and Android operating systems, with the aim of creating a solution that would allow users of their clients to access the VoIP services from a mobile.
Voclarion, in collaboration with Develer, designed the graphics and worked on the creation of a proxy for unified communication with the various client switchboards; Develer created the application and edited the initial publication on the App Store and Google Play.
Challenges faced
- Creating a cross-platform application for iOS and Android
- Managing VoIP calls in and out of a smartphone
Solutions implemented
- Graphic interface of the application created with extreme care on iOS and Android
- Frequent release cycles to test various features with developers and end-users and to incorporate feedback during development
Do you want us to deal with the development of your App?
Benefits introduced by our solutions
- Uniformity of graphic layout on iOS and Android, thanks to the use of React Native
- Customisation of the user experience on Android, thanks to the creation of a number of native modules for Dual-SIM management
- Precise development and test speed, using Apiary to simulate the proxy server API
- Very fast feedback cycle during development, with Voclarion graphic designers and developers having the opportunity to use the application in development on desktop, without having to install it on mobile devices
- Testing of beta versions with a select group of end-users, with the use of Testflight and the beta versions of the Play Store
How our methodology helped us
From day one, we worked with the people of Voclarion (Product Owners, graphic designers and developers) to involve them during development and to share all the information: source code (via GitHub), task and backlog (via Trello), graphic artefacts and binaries (via Google Drive), scripts for deploy and automatic builds.
In this way, Voclarion was able to check the status of the development at any time, to follow the work during each sprint and to closely observe our working method, so that we could then take charge of the maintenance and evolution of the software following the path traced by Develer.
How open source helped the project
The use of React Native has reduced the release time through stores. For many features, for example, the exchange of data with the phone book, the validation of user input and the construction of application Settings entries, we used packages available on npn, which greatly simplified the work. Moreover, many components of React Native expose a common interface for data access or interaction with the user, which at a low level is specialised for iOS and Android, making the development of the functionality much easier than the creation of two distinct native applications.
International provider of VoIP telephony solutions.
“We really are satisfied with the app development project and especially about Develer’s communication.”