
Qt Quick course for companies

The course aims to introduce Qt Quick, in order to speed up your learning as you approach this framework for the first time.
Qt Quick is a set of technologies designed to help developers create intuitive, modern and fluid interfaces used in mobile and embedded devices.
As part of Qt, Qt Quick leverages its great maturity and power to deliver high performances on a variety of platforms, desktops, and embedded devices.

  • Customisable contents
  • Flexible deadlines
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Online or in-person participation
Qt Quick Course

Qt Quick course details

  • Languages: Italian, English
  • Location: Your company, Develer, online

Skills you will gain

Through this course, you will learn how to read and understand existing Qt Quick code, write simple Qt Quick programs autonomously, or participate in the development of more complex Qt Quick programs by teaming up with more experienced programmers.

Who this course is aimed at

This course is aimed at developers who have at least 1 year of experience in developing an OOP language (e.g., C++ or Javascript).

Some course topics

  • Introduction to Qt and Qt Quick
  • QML designer
  • Qt Quick Controls 2
  • Debugging
  • QObject model
  • Signal/slot
  • QML/C++ integration

Do you need a customised Qt course?

Let’s talk together to find the perfect course for your needs.


All the trainers are senior developers, experienced in education, who are actually using Qt Quick on a daily basis for projects in many industrial sectors.

Mitec Logo
sevio logo

The course is delivered by knowledgeable and helpful staff, and tackles Qt Quick starting from scratch on a number of different fronts. There are many topics covered, so the three days are very full and pace is intense. The overall experience is positive as it provides a very good foundation on this world and technically explains the workings behind it, and allows you to try your hand at programming in a very short time.
Edoardo Slaviero, Software Developer – MITEC Elettronica

I particularly enjoyed the in-depth level of topics and expert advice on certain technical issues.
Giovanni Cimmino, Software Developer – SEVIO


Is it possible to attend the course remotely?

Yes, it is possible to arrange and attend the course online.

Is the course program customisable?

Yes, it is. Please fill in the request form with your needs. We will issue our best proposal for you accordingly.

What is the level of the course?

The level of the course is basic, but it can still be modified to fit your desired level.

Is the course available immediately?

The course is ready and can be provided according to the needs of the requesting company.

When is the next course scheduled?

We do not have set dates. Courses are scheduled according to your needs.

Is there a minimum number of attendees expected?

Since these courses are exclusively for companies, they are usually organised for at least two people.

Who can attend this course?

People from your company only can attend this course.